> > No one has had good luck when using RPMs to install mod_ssl.  I'm afraid that
> > recompiling Apache from scratch is the way to go.
> What's the problem with the RPMs?
> I roll them, and if you got a RPM specific porblem,
> I'll be happy to look at it.

Maybe if everyone used the RPMs you rolled there wouldn't be any problems,
but it seems that people want to take one RPM from every site, throw them
all together, and hope they work.  Then they don't because one package
wasn't compiled with the right options (like EAPI) There just seems to be
too many variables if you want to use RPMs to build Apache/mod_ssl,
especially since a lot of people would also like to use RPMs to install
other Apache modules I'm sure (php, mod_perl).  It also seems that a lot
of the people that come to the list reporting Apache/mod_ssl crashes are
using RPMs.

> > Why will your project manager kick you for recompiling Apache?  You'll only
> > be down for a second or two when you install the newly compiled Apache.
> Maintenence? It's easier with RPMs...

Can't argue with you there.

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