I believe if you register for it you can download the commandline
version of Borland C++ for free now, although I don't know how well it
supports using configure and make files.

On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 14:58, Jim Lee wrote:
> The platform is win32. I do not have a VC++ 5.0 compiler installed. Any free 
> C++ compiler download suggestion from the internet would be great.
> Hi,
> Could somebody help me create the Apache_1.3.26-Mod_SSL_x-OpenSSL_x
> file from the mod_ssl-2.8.9-1.3.26.tar.gz file that has been released
> recently.
> what platform? unix requires nothing more than a configure in the mod_ssl 
> directory, followed by make. Win32 is a little more cumbersome.
> Aryeh
> Aryeh Katz
> www.vasco.com
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