> The following was supposedly scribed by
> Mark Stosberg
> on Saturday 04 October 2003 02:06 pm:

>While this is certainly more explicit, it also means that every time
>you create or rename a shared routine, you have to declare and at least
>two places. Perhaps being explicit is it's own reward. I know I've found
>that maintaining export/import interfaces between highly related modules
>to be cumbersome at times.
>I can't see I have a better pattern to suggest for this case, rather
>it's a question I've run into myself and haven't fully resolved.

I think this is my real issue as well.  Drawing.pm contains standard methods 
for creating a new drawing, and adding elements to that drawing as well as 
load and save functions.  But those need to be moved because I've already got 
loaddwg,savedwg,saveimg,saveps, and savegzip (which is quite handy. btw,) all 
of which are called from one pair:  load() and save().  It also contains 
query methods.

Drawing/Manipulate.pm contains Move, Clone, Rotate, Mirror, and Copy (which 
just calls Clone and then Move) and also has a set of groups-of-entities 
methods (GroupMove, etc) which call the single-entity method for each entity 
in the list (and the single entity method handles any entity by calling the 
appropriate function from a hash of functions ($movefunc{pt} vs 
$movefunc{pts} and $rotatefunc{ang} vs $rotatefunc{pt} and etc.)  

Sorry to get into so much detail, but the gist of it is that it is a complex 
problem set which is simplified by providing a single program interface for 
the manipulation of any entity.  The submodules get the same benefit out of 
the current setup as the main program, i.e. Manipulate.pm can call methods 
from Calculate.pm and Finite.pm simply by using Drawing.pm (and calling the 
methods with the object, of course.)  Since the object is blessed into only 
one class, all of the methods need to be in the Drawing package, and really 
don't have any business being anywhere else.

Now, about the relations between these packages:
the structure is like this:

All of these declare themselves as "package Drawing", and the idea is that all 
of the accessor methods become available (not exported) to main with simply 
"use Drawing".  Drawing.pm then contains "use" statements for all of the 

Drawing/Defined.pm contains all of the package global variables, which are all 
exported, so each sub-module simply needs to say: 'use Drawing;' and  'use 
Drawing::Defined;'  This allows each file to ask for the constants without 
having to say $Drawing::pi (which is quite tedious.)  It also allows each 
submodule to utilize the other methods (which makes them less dependent on 
the data structure (which is already showing itself to be a really good 
thing, because the data structure is wrong.))

I thought I might get some insight from some of the larger, more complex 
modules (CGI came to mind, but alas, it is one HUGE file!)  

Anyone know of an example of modules which are more spread out, but intended 
to be accessed via one "use" statement?  I'd like to keep each file to around 
1000 lines or less.


P.S.  I'm not sure if the CC method of replying is automatic or not, but I'm 
subscribed to the list, so I'm getting two copies of everything.
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