On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 01:24:43PM -0300, Bruno Negr?o wrote:
> I agree Mark, i've posted my module on the DateTime mailing list. Let's see what 
> they say about it.
> But i think the DateTime project is not gaining fair promotion once their modules 
> are not even appearing on the main "Module List"
> in the cpan's site at http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html.
> If people should concentrate effort in making this framework the solution for Dates 
> and times related problems, the DateTime
> namespace should at least appear on the Module List, right?

I think there is a separate more general issue that the module list is
losing relevance. I think a lot of people (like myself), use
http://search.cpan.org as a primary method for finding useful modules.
As a CPAN user, I don't consult the list when looking for modules. As 
a module writer, I have abandoned caring if my modules appear on the
list, because I have the perception it's not used much anymore.

So I would say a more important issue is that the DateTime modules don't
show up in the first 100 results for "Date" on that website:


I think part of the solution to fix that is to have more contributions to the
CPAN ratings system, and consider the ratings in the search results. 


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mark Stosberg            Principal Developer  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Summersault, LLC     
   765-939-9301 ext 202     database driven websites
 . . . . . http://www.summersault.com/ . . . . . . . .

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