On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 11:21:04 +0200
Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * lacks predictable behaviour
>   I fail to see your point here. Options are handled from left to
>   right, which makes perfect sense.

    I have watched the on-line slide.  The slide said:

* lacks predictable behaviour
  * users are too unpredictable
  'foo' => \$foo,
  'no-foo' => sub {$foo = 0},
print "$foo\n";

$ a_program --foo --no-foo

$ a_program --no-foo --foo

To Eric,

    I'm not against new modules at all.  I'm also new here.  But I
really can't see the point here.  I though that is the desired behavior,
isn't it?  What do you think is "right" on that example?  Croak? Return
1 on both cases?  Return 0 on both cases?

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