"A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That’s not trivial, period. Any solution will have to be pretty
> complex if it’s supposed to handle this – especially if you want
> the user to be able to override only some defaults, but not
> others. I’m not sure that any form of command line will be
> anything other than craptacular for a job like this.

To which I'd like to add: If you want to take into account that
initial values for options can come from several sources, like config
files (several config files!), environment variables,
programmatically, derived from the name the program was called with,
and also that a command line option may specify a different config
file, or defeat any config files, then you may begin to see the
complexity of the matter. And that's why Getopt::Long only parses
command lines, nothing else...

I'd be one of the first to support a decent standard on this matter,
but unfortunately there is none. On the bright side, everyone seems to
agree more or less on how it should be done, so let's stick to that
"fuzzy" standard.

If the need is there to introduce a new way of doing it, I'd strongly
suggest to select a distinctive form so users know what to expect.

-- Johan

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