Brendan Leber wrote:

> First, let me apologize for my extremely late reply.  Right after I  
> started receiving replies I suffered some pretty serious system  
> failures.  I'm now back and replying to old messages.  B
> On Mar 2, 2006, at 9:20 AM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> > It sounds like this usage is part of the foundation (if not "base")
> > class Math::Interval which Brendan will need even though he might not
> > be working directly on those bits.
> Yes, the foundation of the class will have functions that support  
> traditional interval functions such as overlap() and intersect().

Out of curiosity, is there a common agreement on these 'traditional
interval functions'?
The most referenced proposal I'm aware of are the so called Allen

  Maintaining Knowledge about Temporal Intervals
  by James F. Allen

They are - as the title suggests - somewhat biased towards temporal 
types (e.g. relation 'during').
A perl implementation is done in Date::Interval:


Although the book

  Temporal Data and the Relational Model
  by C.J. Date, Hugh Darwen, Nikos Lorentzos

is also biased towards temporal types, the authors generalized the
interval type: it's a type generator parameterized by a point type.
By the way, 'during' was renamed to 'includes'. I have to admit I
like their proposal.

Are there other essential sources worth to consider?

Steffen Goeldner

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