* Philippe "BooK" Bruhat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-12 20:55]:
> Le lundi 12 juin 2006 à 20:09, A. Pagaltzis écrivait:
> >
> >> An improvement would be to turn it into a forum, maybe merge
> >> with CPAN forums but keeping reviews separate from technical
> >> support questions. (Bad reviews such as "how do I compile
> >> module X" can be moved into technical support forums too.)
> >> Reviews that are voted as useless can be culled by
> >> moderators.
> >
> >I think that’s the most sensible suggestion so far. Now for
> >someone to supply the tuits and JFDI for it… :-)
> A forum? As in "a place for flames and uninformed discussion"?
> How exactly is that an improvement? :-)

Some would argue that’s what CPAN Ratings already is. ;-)

(I don’t see it as bleakly, but I don’t see forums quite that
bleakly either ;-) )

> However, having review editors that can act based on the
> useful/useless votes is enough to remove the occasional junk
> comment (or spam ?).

Well, the idea is mainly, I think, to have someplace sensible to
move “cna u help me i cant compiel tihs” droppings, as well as a
way to keep the occasional “this isn’t a review, I want to
respond to that other review” junk from cluttering the place.

Shrug. I dunno.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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