Jonathan Yu writes:
> It's my understanding that the margin by which storing a hashed
> password without a salt is better is related to its length. It's
> harder to calculate/store SHA-512 hashes versus SHA-1, right? I mean,
> takes a lot more time & space to construct rainbow tables, and thus
> could be infeasible to generate.

That fits with my understanding, but I make no claims to be a crypto
expert.  I should probably state that more strongly: don't trust
anything I say about crypto.

> On the other hand, criminals and governments that wish to crack data
> would potentially have access to lots of resources, like lots of disk
> space and processing power, so that point is moot.

I understand that cryptographers use the term "well-funded organisation"
or "WFO" when discussing such scenarios.  (An recent improvement on
attacks against SHA-1 reduced the search space for construction of two
distinct documents with the same hash to 2**52 hashing operations.
That's considered to be within reach for a WFO, though 4 quadrillion
SHA-1 hash operations is still a non-trivial undertaking.)

The thing is, rainbow tables are *large*, and every additional bit you
want to consider in the search space makes them larger still.  Suppose
that an unsalted rainbow table for a particular hash and search space
is a terabyte.  (That seems to be about right for readily-available
precomputed rainbow tables at the moment.)  Now consider concatenating
a 32-bit salt (from a high-entropy source) to each password.  An
equivalent rainbow table which covers this *new* search space would be
4 billion times bigger, or something like 4 zettabytes.  Noone knows
how to build a storage system with that much capacity, no matter how
WF the O.

Aaron Crane **

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