Xiang, friend, just drop it. The whole thing, you are not getting
popular and I would like you and your modules to become popular.

You got help. We can't give you more. Any of those who answered you have
20+ years experience. Don't make yourself a nOOb.

We all welcome you but the first thing you can do is adapt a bit to our
level; understand how we function, what our community has to offer and 
how to become part of one of the greatest development group around.

- Englan.pm would recommend you to drink more beer

- I'd recommend 3 hours on the #perl-help getting your ass kicked

- I'm afraid of what mst would recommend

It may sound strange but if you can get the humor and sensibility the
Perl comunity has, it may be better to find another one. This is not
just Software. It is social, living, fun. 

You got three name examples from me, you got an excellent proposition
from David. Now write the damn thing or I'll write it just to get rid of

I'd drop my $work to help a Perl fellow (a short time at least) but she
should be fun. So make us laugh instead. We are not interrested in your
modules, we can write them ourselves, we want you to be fun so there is
yet another crazy Perl guy around.

No soporific answers, show us what you go for instead.


PS: Devel::Refactor, EPIC plug-in for the eclipse integrated development
environment, Padre and perldoc perlrun (search for in-place) should help
ease you mid project blues

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