David Cantrell joked:
On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 10:21:32PM -0800, Linda W wrote:
Dana Hudes wrote:
BTW not everyone uses gcc.
[[ What compiler on unix-- where perl was born, that is as freely available
as perl and the modules on cpan, itself would you suggest I use? ]]
Other compilers are available for Linux. I leave finding them as an
exercise for you. You will no doubt find it to be a helpful exercise,
as your research skills are clearly lacking and you need the practice.
In other words, you are unable to come up with an answer to the
question off the top
of your head, so want me to do the work to try to prove that there are
others that fit the
In general, as was pointed, out, since Windows is also widely used
with Perl, the same compiler
should also be available there as well.
I didn't ask for an exhaustive list -- even one compiler that
produces as good as good and supports
32/64 bit linux and windows... (I prefer 64, but it if doesn't run
under cygwin, that will also be a problem --
as it is a posix environment)...
Just 1 good example would be sufficient, if you want to prove that
such a compiler exists.
The assertion was that such a thing does not. It is is incumbent
upon you, who want to refute that
assertion to provide at least 1 example to disprove the general
assertion. Claiming it is a research
opportunity (because you don't know of any), is what i would expect of
the average person cannot refute my stated position. Is that your
final answer? ;-)
Or would you like to get serious?