Hi brian,

On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:28:55 -0500
brian d foy <brian.d....@gmail.com> wrote:

> In article <20120730140106.0fd9b...@lap.shlomifish.org>, Shlomi Fish
> <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote:
> > Derek has yet to return to me after this last message over a month ago. He's
> > being very unresponsive, and I want to work on Text::MediawikiFormat . So it
> > seems there are three options:
> > 1. That Derek will get his act together and return to me. 
> > What do you suggest?
> I suggest using much less aggressive and abusive language. It makes
> people less likely to bit bucket you.

Thanks for the tip. I apologise if my language sounded aggressive (or abusive)
- I am not a native English speaker. Add to that, that I've been frustrated
with trying to mirror a MediaWiki page (and failing) and so recalling this
module, and you'll see why I may have sounded harsh.

Anyway, that was not my intenion, so I apologise again.


        Shlomi Fish

P.S: for people who were not sure what a bit bucket is, see:


Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
"The Human Hacking Field Guide" - http://shlom.in/hhfg

<rindolf>  If you repeat a scene 50k times, then the movie will have less
entropy and will compress better. ( irc://irc.freenode.org/#perlcafe )

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