Hi all,

Sorry for the crosspost, but I'm hoping sufficient numbers of people
will be interested in this discussion.

I'm finding more lately that I keep thinking up interesting ideas for
new features to add to Scalar::Util or List::Util. Given the very
core-ish nature of these modules, both literally in the "core" sense
and also in that most of CPAN either directly or indirectly uses them,
I feel it best not to just go adding things that might or mightnot be a
good idea, but instead to first discuss them some more.

Rather than get into the specifics of what my ideas are at this stage,
I'd like first to open a meta-discussion on where interested parties
might be, and what suggestions we'd have for the best place to actually
discuss those ideas?

I'm loathe to suggest "make a new mailing list" or somesuch, mostly
because that likely misses most of the people who'd be interested in
it. Partly I might just suggest "these two lists", unless people on
either list object to the traffic.

I dunno... thoughts anyone?

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

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