Very, very cool module. As to your question, I would encourage the use of
the term "Schema" over "Topology", unless you really mean it. Topology is a
term that refers to geometry and/or connectivity. Presumably you are
determining the connectivity of your data---one structure holds or refers
to another---which describes a data structure topology. But, is this a key
aspect of the analysis? Is it a key aspect of the results, i.e. is your
module able to perform a proper analysis of (say) circular topologies where
other modules fail? If not, Schema might be a better choice than Topology.


On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 5:13 AM, Smylers <> wrote:

> Aaron Trevena writes:
> > On 24 October 2016 at 09:49, Smylers <> wrote:
> >
> > > If your module is Json-specifiec and there already exists a JSON::
> > > top-level namespace, then I think it's much better to put it
> > > somewhere under JSON:: than Data::, which is so generic it tells
> > > users very little about the module's purpose.
> >
> > The main idea/purpose isn't json specific - this could apply to mongo
> > or any other nosql data source, I'm using it for postgres jsonb data
> > in this project.
> OK. In that case Data::Topology::JSON probably doesn't work either, for
> the same reason.
> > If I was looking for a way to get RDF or other metadata from mongo I
> > wouldn't be looking for JSON::Schema::Inferred.
> True.
> There's an awkward balance between picking a name that is too specific,
> and therefore misleading, and one that's so general that it's too
> abstract for readers to glean what situations it does cover.
> Smylers
> --

 "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
  Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
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