On 11/21/18 10:49 PM, Konstantin S. Uvarin wrote:
Oh, so Makefile.PL is capable of recursion. I should've checked it first.

But! I couldn't bring it to `make dist` recursively; instead, it just lumps
all the directories into a huge tarball. Is that OK for CPAN?

My first idea, demonstrated by make-bundle.sh, was to put the distribution source trees inside the collection source tree for development purposes. When everything is good, each distribution would get its own tarball and the top-level collection would get its own tarball without the nested stuff (the way make-bundle.sh works today).

But, perhaps a flat directory layout would be better -- e.g. the collection and distribution source trees all rooted in the same directory. Then it becomes a question of finding or reworking the tools to understand relationships and recursion traversal order.

Or should I really upload separate tarballs for each module?

If the collection and all of the distributions track head revisions, that would be the conventional approach. But, I have read about putting specific versions of modules and/or distributions into collection distributions due to forward compatibility, platform support, and/or other concerns.

Or is there a way to tweak Makefile.PL into recursing for make dist, too?

I spent some time reading the ExtUtils::MakeMaker, ExtUtils::MM_Unix, and ExtUtils::MM_Any source files, and experimenting with the Makefile generated by make-bundle.sh.

The top-level Makefile appears to implement recursion for 'make' and 'make test' explicitly via prerequisites:

    307 all :: pure_all manifypods
    308         $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
    311 pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
    312         $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
    314 subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
    315         $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)

    434 subdirs ::

    808 test :: $(TEST_TYPE) subdirs-test
    810 subdirs-test ::
    811         $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
    813 subdirs-test ::
    814         $(NOECHO) cd DistA && $(MAKE) test $(PASTHRU)

For the target 'pure_all', if I put the prerequisite 'subdirs' first, then 'make' will build DistA before Bundle::MyBundle:

2018-11-22 23:48:41 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/perl
$ bash make-bundle.sh 2&>1 > /dev/null

2018-11-22 23:48:45 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/perl
$ cd make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle/

2018-11-22 23:48:54 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/perl/make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle
$ cp Makefile Makefile-orig

2018-11-22 23:49:04 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/perl/make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle
$ vi Makefile

2018-11-22 23:49:25 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/perl/make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle
$ diff Makefile-orig Makefile
< pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
> pure_all :: subdirs config pm_to_blib linkext

2018-11-22 23:49:31 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/perl/make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle
$ make
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dpchrist/sandbox/perl/make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle/DistA'
Manifying 1 pod document
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dpchrist/sandbox/perl/make-bundle.sh.tmp/Bundle-MyBundle/DistA'
Skip blib/lib/Bundle/MyBundle.pm (unchanged)
Manifying 1 pod document

Similarly so for the target 'test'.

The target 'dist' does not include a target for DistA (subdirs-dist), which explains the lack of recursion.

I have written MY overrides in the past, and could probably do so for the targets I am interested in:


But somewhere in my reading, I saw a statement that the EUMM team is trying to get away from overrides and instead implement data-driven solutions. I interpret this to mean revising EUMM and related so that I can achieve the above results via arguments to WriteMakefile() in Makefile.PL:

    recurse_order               => 'depth-first',
    recurse_target_dist         => 1,
    recurse_target_disttest     => 1,

with built-ins:

    recurse_Makefile_PL         => 1,
    recurse_target_all          => 1,
    recurse_target_test         => 1,

Implementing such a solution would be non-trivial for me.

Then, there's Module::Build, Dist::Zilla, CPAN, CPAN Testers, and likely many more tools and systems I am oblivious to. The above proposals would need to be consider for each of them.


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