Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
  CPAN-Reporter-0.20% ./Build prereq_report
  Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
PROTECTED]/lib/5.9.4/Module/Build/ line 223, <GEN16> line 5.
  Package 'CPAN' already declared with version '1.8801'
  ignoring new version ''.

That smells like a problem with the regex matching $VERSION assignments, i.e. something in CPAN /looks like/ an assignment to $VERSION, but isn't.

Ahhh, it is this code from (being these are lines 4 and 5):

        $CPAN::VERSION = '1.8801';
        $CPAN::VERSION = eval $CPAN::VERSION;

and, indeed, the warnings go away if I edit those lines as so:

        $CPAN::VERSION = 1.8801;
        #$CPAN::VERSION = eval $CPAN::VERSION;

My perl is bleadperl with from there.

I can replicate this with Perl 5.8.7, version-0.6701, and CPAN 1.8801 (latest official release), so that datapoint isn't helpful.


John Peacock
Director of Information Research and Technology
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
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