>>>>> On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:11:51 -0400, John Peacock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

 >> My understanding was that the second line shouldn't be scanned at
 >> all, because we already have a $VERSION variable set from the first
 >> line.

  > The problem is (now that I have reviewed the code) that the entire
  > *file* has to be scanned, in case there are multiple *packages*
  > defined therein.  There isn't any way to short-circuit the test on the
  > second line that isn't exactly the same situation as today: warn if we
  > see two $VERSION assignments in the same package.

But maybe one should have followed the very old MakeMaker convention
that only the first $VERSION assignment per file is parsed to
determine the version. Like in

  % perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -le '
  print MM->parse_version(shift)' lib/CPAN.pm

This is not a flaw in MakeMaker but a simple rule on CPAN that people
have learned to accept in over 10 years. Isn't it a bit irritating
when different tools report different versions?


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