On Sep 28, 2006, at 2:04 PM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

But maybe one should have followed the very old MakeMaker convention
that only the first $VERSION assignment per file is parsed to
determine the version.

That's the procedure we started from a year or so ago, and then when we found obvious and/or egregious mistakes where it was clear an author meant one thing and the code was picking up another, we fixed them. In this case I think we've just found another one.

This is not a flaw in MakeMaker but a simple rule on CPAN that people
have learned to accept in over 10 years. Isn't it a bit irritating
when different tools report different versions?

Yes, that's true. But isn't PAUSE actually using the META.yml file to determine versions of things when possible? Then there wouldn't be any actual conflicts.

That also gives us the best of both worlds in a sense: we have a simple prcedure PAUSE uses when it's too late to get the user involved, and a more "intelligent" procedure we can use a dist-time when we can issue warnings & so on.


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