On Oct 15, 2007, at 7:14 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:

Eric Wilhelm wrote:
Hi all,

Steve is proposing that we add the following parameter to Build.PL

  installdirs => ($] >= 5.009004 ? 'core' : 'site'),

Is that the preferred way of handling this?


I recently had half-a-go at adding a fourth alternative besides 'core', 'site', and 'vendor', called 'auto'. It would sense whether the given module was currently installed in a core lib, and if so would choose 'core'. Otherwise 'auto'.

That would eliminate the need to hard-code the core version number.

Didn't succeed yet, I got as far as this:

+sub is_core {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $name = $self->module_name;
+  unless ($name) {
+    warn "Need a module_name to check whether it's a core module";
+    return;
+  }
+  my $from = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_dir_by_name($name)
+    or return 0;
+  my @from_parts = File::Spec->splitdir($from);
+ foreach my $dir (map $self->config($_), qw(installarchlib installprivlib)) {
+    my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
+    next if grep {$parts[$_] ne $from_parts[$_]} 0..$#parts;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;

 sub _set_install_paths {
   my $self = shift;
   my $c = $self->{config};
   my $p = $self->{properties};

+  if ($self->installdirs eq 'auto') {
+    # Turn into 'core' if this seems to be a core module for this
+    # perl, otherwise 'site'.
+    $self->installdirs( $self->is_core ? 'core' : 'site' );
+  }


but there's no such thing as Module::Build::ModuleInfo- >find_module_dir_by_name, and when I tried to create such a thing it started to get difficult.


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