# from Ken Williams
# on Monday 15 October 2007 20:13:

>I recently had half-a-go at adding a fourth alternative besides  
>'core', 'site', and 'vendor', called 'auto'.  It would sense whether  
>the given module was currently installed in a core lib, and if so  
>would choose 'core'.  Otherwise 'auto'. 

Sounds good.

>Didn't succeed yet, I got as far as this:
>+sub is_core {
>+  my $self = shift;
>+  my $name = $self->module_name;
>+  unless ($name) {
>+    warn "Need a module_name to check whether it's a core module";
>+    return;
> ...

I think that should die.  Other than that, it looks like you succeeded.  
Am I missing a case, or ... what else were you planning to add?

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