On 10/16/07, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> demerphq wrote:
> > On 10/16/07, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> demerphq wrote:
> >>>> Of course, the real problem is our default @INC order is backwards.  It 
> >>>> should
> >>>> be site, vendor, core not core, site, vendor.
> >>> Isnt the reason security? Although I am surprised that vendor is after 
> >>> site.
> >> How does security enter into it?
> >
> > Preventing people from using locally installed modules as an attack
> > vector into other peoples processes.
> This assumes a failure of the file permissions system.  And if an attacker can
> get at the site library directory they can probably get at the core library
> directory, too.
> >> Locally installed modules (site) trump everything, the user has to be able 
> >> to
> >> update stuff on their own.  Vendor installed modules next.  Finally the
> >> original core modules come last.
> >
> > Yes, and then when users are allowed to install modules locally but
> > arent allowed to touch the core modules they can create a dummy local
> > module that installs into site which could then be used by root
> > processes expecting to use the core version. Thus it repesents a
> > vector for a privilege escalation attack.
> Seems a thin protection.  It only protects against root processes which are
> only using core modules.
> Where it does become significant is when a vendor has patched a module to do
> something rather different.  Then a site version won't have those patches.
> This is a nasty maintenance situation anyway.
> >> This is like having a path of ~/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
> >
> > Except that site could be shared wheras such a path normally wouldnt be.
> Ok, /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin then.
> > BTW, im not saying im right, im saying that its the only rational
> > justification for the situation at hand. Except that when you consider
> > vendor it maybe doesnt make as much sense. In AS installs there is no
> > vendor dir, just lib and site/lib, which is probably why i came up
> > with this theory. :-)
> I think it has something more to do with the folks who do multi-architecture
> shared Perl directories.  I asked about it once on p5p and got something
> obscure like that.  The current @INC order came into being long before
> installing modules from CPAN was a common place occurance and well before
> dual-lifed CPAN modules.  The idea of updating a core module didn't exist.
> Configure should probably have a simple dialog asking about this.
>   How would you like @INC to be ordered? [site vendor core]

I agree that this should be the default. The above was just
conjecture. Thanks for shedding more light on the issue.


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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