Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> # from Michael G Schwern
> # on Tuesday 16 October 2007 05:07:
>> Heuristics make me nervous, they can guess wrong.  And if you don't
>> have to guess, don't.
> Isn't the real issue simply that we shouldn't automatically install into 
> a location which is masked by an older M::B?  It's not a heuristic if 
> you can check the other three trees and find a .pm file.  Maybe the 
> answer just involves ExtUtils::Install?

That, too, is guessing.  It's guessing at the user's intent.  Maybe they want
to shadow.  For example...

        perl Build.PL --install_base=~

What if there's already a system installed Module::Build?  What do you do now?

There's another way to look at this.  This is a general problem effecting all
dual-lived Perl modules.  MB is no different and does not have to add to its
burden by trying to solve this problem alone and special casing its install.

Whip me, beat me, make my code compatible with VMS!

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