The idea with METALOCAL would be that the META.yml would contain the regular set of requires/build_requires, but that if the configure script was able to tell that it was configuring with a supported CPAN client, it would generate it in separate build_requires/test_requires instead.

The other alternative is the server-driven toolchain approach.

Basically, we'd make a file on the server that contained the minimum supported toolchain.

The CPAN client would pull this file at the same time as the index to validate that it had a new enough version of the toolchain.

If not, it would upgrade itself before trying to install anything.

Adam K

Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# from Adam Kennedy
# on Tuesday 20 May 2008:

That said, it's possible that we might be able to fix this problem
with METALOCAL.yml...

I'm failing to see the target along that trajectory. If METALOCAL is created on the client machine, it is subject to compatibility error. Further, it won't even be created by old tools, so the META.yml has to contain all of the compatibility.

I see the root of these issues as being in the client tools -- they never had any way to know when they become broken. If we bump the META.yml spec in a way that leads to breakage with older tools, we need to be able to declare something like "build_requires META::Support $v" or else breakage happens in strange and non-obvious ways.

Perhaps the "META::Support" module could even check old versions of CPAN/CPANPLUS and force them to upgrade or at least break with a nice error -- that is: if the toolchain isn't using META::Support, depending on it doesn't work.

This doesn't *strictly* require a module, but it does require some way to predictably fail when the toolchain is old and broken.

I'll quietly continue lobbying for deprecation (and then removal) of 02packages.detail.txt.gz...


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