
I've been having some success with the apr_memcache_* functions.  In
load-tests, however, I'm finding a lot of timeouts
with apr_memcache_multgetp.  Specifically, the status returned with the
individual elements is APR_TIMEUP.

This leads me to wonder what the significance of the second to last arg to
this function is:

          pool_, hosts_[i].c_str(), ports_[i],
          kDefaultServerMin, kDefaultServerSmax,
          thread_limit_, kDefaultServerTtlUs, &server);

I have kDefaultServerSmax initialized to 600, as that's the value I found
in mod_socache_memcache.c   But that seems stingy (if it's really in
microseconds).  Should I be giving that a few hundred millis instead?
that means "time to live of client connection" but I don't understand what
that phrase means exactly, or if it relates to the APR_TIMEUP returns I've
been suffering from.

My code is here;


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