I'd prefer MP3:: myself because MPEG makes people think first of
video.  Any chance Chris has thought about changing his module's name
to MP3::Info?


Tim Bunce writes:
 > On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 12:55:52PM -0500, Lincoln Stein wrote:
 > > Hi,
 > > 
 > > I'm nearly ready to release a pure-perl interface to the Napster MP3
 > > search and download engine.  Currently, I'm calling it MPEG::Napster,
 > > which would put it in the sparsely-populated MPEG namespace.  I think
 > > this makes sense because Napster is an MP3-specific protocol, and my
 > > module hass another MPEG::* module, MPEG::MP3Info, as a prerequisite.
 > > 
 > > However, some people have suggested I put the module into the Net::
 > > namespace, in recognition of its role as a networking client.
 > > Preferences/advice?
 > Net:: is too overloaded and is best reserved for low-level RFC-based
 > standard protocols.
 > We should probably have an MP3 category, but I guess MPEG::'s okay.
 > Tim.

Lincoln D. Stein                           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   Cold Spring Harbor, NY

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