On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 06:40:26PM +0100, Matt S Trout wrote:
> > I contacted the DBIx::ResultSet maintainer last year and sent 
> > him a long e-mail with ideas and patches for new features. I got 
> > no answer.
> > After a couple months, I tried again. Still no answer.
> > Then I tried again. And no answer.
> I've cc'ed Aran in so you can sort out re-sending the requests rather
> than producing another module - if you're having trouble contacting an
> author please contact modules@perl.org - we can usually track them down.
> Aran, aar's got some really nice ideas here and since you're already looking
> at adding joins to SQL::Abstract we three need to collaborate so I don't
> completely break your codebases when I release 2.0 using Data::Query.

Well, screw it. Apparently he's been hit by a bus or something.

It'd be nice if you'd correct the mistakes I pointed out in your description
but at this point, I can't really complain about you uploading.

I don't think DBIx::Lite is a very good name though - maybe something like
DBIx::StructuredQueries or ... I dunno. ::Lite just makes me think "great,
another unimaginative author who can't spell" and having had a quick look
at your docs, you're neither unimaginative not particularly hard of spelling
so that doesn't seem suitable ;)

However, resubmit this under whichever name you think best and I'll approve

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

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