>>>>> On Mon, 6 Jun 2016 08:42:18 +0200, Johan Vromans
>>>>> <jvrom...@squirrel.nl> said:

  > Hi y'all,

Hi Johan,

I would suggest to bring this issue to

It looks to me like a genuine metacpan bug.

  > I've uploaded a new package, App-Music-ChordPro. It has gone through several
  > uploads for the last couple of days. The first version was 0.51, the most
  > recent upload is 0.52.2.

  > The packages appears in the CPAN collection (www.cpan.org) a couple
  > of hours after each upload, but they still do not appear in the MetaCPAN.
  > When I look at my stuff in the metacpan, I notice there are more packages
  > missing. Amongst these is EekBoek, one of my important packages.

  > Since people are moving from CPAN to MetaCPAN, this is becoming more than
  > just a nuisance.

  > Am I doing something wrong?

I cannot see anything wrong with your packages, but I do see 0.52.4 at

And interesting may be that I find a link to
https://metacpan.org/release/JV/EekBoek-2.02.05 on the page
https://metacpan.org/author/JV/releases but it looks like a second class
citizen to me: color of 'EekBoek-2.02.05' is gray, don't know what this

  > Thanks for your help.

  > -- Johan


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