
It works for *helpers* as well with the following declaration.

    $app->helper(summary_data => async sub ($c, $access_token) {
        my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;

        my $tx = await $ua->post_p(
            'http://' . $c->config->{API_IP} . 
            { Authorization => 'Bearer ' . $access_token },
            form => { periods => encode_json([ 
$c->session('cx_current_quarter') ]) }, 
        if ($tx->result->is_success) {
            return from_json($tx->result->body);
        $c->flash(message_type => 'warning');
        $c->flash(message => 'Could not get summary data');
        return $c->redirect_to('cx-summary', status => 403);

-- Jeyaraj

On Thursday, 4 June 2020 12:06:01 UTC+5:30, Jeyaraj Durairaj wrote:
> Hi,
> Eureka! Eureka! It works!.
> The solution I found (because of my error) is that I uninstalled 
> Mojo::AsyncAwait and installed Future::AsyncAwait.
> It just works!
> By June end, my business intelligence application will be live to serve 
> 100+ users with insights and analytics.
> (To apply icing on the cake, I have plugged in Moose also in to model 
> layer for my application)
> As Glen Hinkle said, it is really really a fun to work in Mojolicious. I 
> love Hypnotoad.
> BTW, I am doing a private project as well to help a home designer to 
> launch a web site for their small firm. Guess! what framework I am gonna 
> use.. *Mojolicious.*
> Thanks to Mojo group and special thanks to SRI as well.
> -- Jeyaraj
> On Thursday, 28 May 2020 14:15:04 UTC+5:30, Jeyaraj Durairaj wrote:
>> any luck on the solutions?
>> -- Jeyaraj
>> On Thursday, 28 May 2020 00:10:48 UTC+5:30, Jeyaraj Durairaj wrote:
>>> However, the below code perfectly work for me outside Mojolicious App.
>>> use Modern::Perl;
>>> use Mojo::Base -strict, -signatures;
>>> use Mojo::UserAgent;
>>> use Mojo::Promise;
>>> use Mojo::IOLoop;
>>> use Mojo::Util 'trim';
>>> use Mojo::AsyncAwait;
>>> use LWP::UserAgent;
>>> use JSON;
>>> my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
>>> my $result = $ua->post('http://localhost:8000/api/token/' => json => { 
>>> username => 'username', password => 'mypassword' })
>>>                 ->result
>>>                 ->json;
>>> my $access_token = $result->{access};
>>> my $refresh_token = $result->{refresh};
>>> print "Access Token: " . $result->{access}, "\n";
>>> print "Refresh Token: " . $result->{refresh}, "\n\n";
>>> $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
>>> $result = $ua->post('http://' . 'localhost:8000' . '/api/token/refresh/' 
>>> => json => { refresh => $refresh_token })
>>>                 ->result
>>>                 ->json;
>>> my $agent = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
>>> async post_user_p => sub ($url) {
>>>     say "\n\n", $url;
>>>     my $tx = await $agent->post_p(
>>>         $url,
>>>         {
>>>             Authorization => 'Bearer ' . $result->{access},
>>>         },
>>>         form => {"username" => "username"}, 
>>>     );
>>>     return trim from_json($tx->result->body)->{first_name};
>>> };
>>> async main => sub (@urls) {
>>>     my @promises = map { post_user_p($_) } @urls;
>>>     my @names = await Mojo::Promise->all(@promises);
>>>     say for map { $_->[0] } @names;
>>> };
>>> my @urls = (qw(
>>>     http://localhost:8000/api-converge/auth/user/
>>> ));
>>> main(@urls)->wait;
>>> On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 23:41:27 UTC+5:30, Jeyaraj Durairaj wrote:
>>>> I tried generating an example app and copied pasted the code segment 
>>>> you posted here and then tried.
>>>> "Action not found!" error is shown.
>>>> Should I reinstall Perl again and then try?
>>>> Will it work under morbo or works only on Hypnotoad?
>>>> I am using Windows for my development, wherein morbo is the only server 
>>>> I can test.
>>>> Or can I test it on daemon mode and try>
>>>> Please suggest as to how I should diagnose it.
>>>> I would need this Async/await to be working in my system.
>>>> I have tried without Async, all other functionalities rock both in 
>>>> development and production (hypnotoad). Mojo::UserAgent is amazing to 
>>>> fetch 
>>>> API call data from Django server (running under Apache).
>>>> I am completely counting on Mojolicious as my primary framework for my 
>>>> new projects. Please help.
>>>> Regards/Jeyaraj
>>>> On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 17:46:49 UTC+5:30, Sebastian Riedel wrote:
>>>>> I'll assume it was you who asked the same question on IRC earlier. Had 
>>>>> you been sticking around for a bit longer you would have seen my 
>>>>> instructions for getting a working application that i tested locally.
>>>>>     14:08 <kraih> to be sure i did a "mojo generate app" and then 
>>>>> replaced the controller with http://paste.scsys.co.uk/589044
>>>>> That's the important part, if that doesn't work your Perl or some 
>>>>> module you installed is broken.
>>>>> --
>>>>> sebastian

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