On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 10:02, Oliver Thieke wrote:
> Hi out there at the screens !
> I want to set up a monitoring of a bunch of Solaris server
> using one of the OpenSource Monitoring Tools available (MON,
> BigSister, Nagios).  I browsed already some articles and the
> online docu of the 3 packages.  Nonetheless I cannot decide
> yet which one to choose.  MON and Nagios (formely known as
> NetSaint) seem to be most promising.
> It would be nice to hear about your experiences with those
> two tools.
> Which one would you choose ?
> Why ?
> Any traps to be aware of ?
> MON seems to be easier to install and configure. Furthermore
> it's all written in PERL, a language I'm quite familiar with.
> On the other hand the Web-GUI of Nagios looks nicer and
> provides more and better arranged info.
> But Nagios seems to be much harder to install (must compile)
> and to configure.
> Finally I MUST write some custom monitors (checks) and this
> seems to be easier (and better documented) in MON.
> Thanx for your help in advance
> Oliver

Looks like you've already summed it up pretty nicely. A co-worker of
mine is messing with Nagios right now, and has been dismayed to find
that it's got HTML hard-coded into some of the C modules. This makes it
pretty difficult to modify the output screens (for instance, to link to
MRTG from a Nagios screen).
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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