Hi out there at the screens !

I want to set up a monitoring of a bunch of Solaris server
using one of the OpenSource Monitoring Tools available (MON,
BigSister, Nagios).  I browsed already some articles and the
online docu of the 3 packages.  Nonetheless I cannot decide
yet which one to choose.  MON and Nagios (formely known as
NetSaint) seem to be most promising.
It would be nice to hear about your experiences with those
two tools.
Which one would you choose ?
Why ?
Any traps to be aware of ?

MON seems to be easier to install and configure. Furthermore
it's all written in PERL, a language I'm quite familiar with.
On the other hand the Web-GUI of Nagios looks nicer and
provides more and better arranged info.
But Nagios seems to be much harder to install (must compile)
and to configure.

Finally I MUST write some custom monitors (checks) and this
seems to be easier (and better documented) in MON.

Thanx for your help in advance


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