> How can I configure a group:service to be dependent of _any_one_
> of a set of
> group(s):service(s) ?
> (e.g. I want to dns availability only if any of the subnets on which
> namesrvers resides are reachable)
i need sth like this to. i want to be dependent of more than one service.
e.g. only test the smtp service if the ping of two routers in a different
hostgroup is successfull.
do i only have to seperate the dependencies with a colon?

hostgroup router1
hostgroup router2
hostgroup mail

watch mail
    depend router1:ping, router2:ping


watch mail
    depend router1:ping
    depend router2:ping

what is the correct syntax?
> thanks
> Piero Calucci

another question i have, has mon the ability to send daily reports
independent of a service failure/alert?



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