On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Piero Calucci wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 November 2002 13:32, Philippe Trolliet wrote:
> > another question i have, has mon the ability to send daily reports
> > independent of a service failure/alert?
> mmm.... maybe you can trigger a custom mail alert w/ sth like this:
> watch nonexistent
>       service daily-report
>               interval 1d
>               monitor /bin/false
>               alert custom.mail.alert someone@somewhere

I do a heartbeat of the mon server by abusing mail.alert as a monitor...

hostgroup hjerteslag

watch hjerteslag
    service hjerteslag
        description send mail hver femte time - hjerteslag
        interval 5h
        monitor ../alert.d/mail.alert -u -g none -s none -S 'Heartbeat from 

Erik I. Bolsų, Triangel Software AS | Skybert AS
Tlf: 712 41 694         Mobil: 915 79 512

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