I am just starting out with mon (on AIX) and have run some examples
using fping.monitor and mail.alert.

I am planning to monitor some application servers on a datacenter with
a custom monitor plugin.  I want to have another monitor running at a
remote location to monitor the main monitor at the datacenter (and
vice-versa).  It looks like I should use mon traps in heartbeat mode.
How do I create the heartbeats. It looks like I should use a monitor
plugin for this purpose, since it will then verify that mon is
executing the plugins.  But I must be missing something, since I would
expect there to allready be a hearbeatsend.monitor included in the

Below is a stab at what that part of the configuration would look like,
with my assumptions in the comments.  The other monitor would have a
simmilar configuration with the trap being sent and watched reversed
from this one.

Is this the way to go?
Do I need to write my own heartbeatsend.monitor?

# This section defines the heartbeat mechanism.  A sender and a
# This area is not explained too clearly in the mon documentation!!!
# The mon framework has a built in monitor for traps (note none is
specified in the service section).
# When a mon trap of type <watch>:<service> is received it is routed to
the coresponding watch section.
# I don't see a built in sending mechanism, nor a supplied "monitor"
for generating the hearbeat traps,
# so I will create heartbeatsend.monitor that uses the perl trap api to
send it.  
# The heartbeatsend.monitor does not require any alert.  If it fails,
the other side won'nt get it, and report.
# - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  

# This checks for the heartbeat trap from the other monitor every

watch trap-heartbeat
    service FromBackupMon
        traptimeout 2m
        # no monitor needed, handled by framework  
        period wd {Mon-Fri} hr {8am-5pm}
            alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# This sends a heartbeat to the other monitor every interval
watch trap-heartbeat
    service FromMainMon
        interval 1m
        # This sends a mon heartbeat as trap trap-heartbeat :
FromMainMon to the main monitor  
        monitor heartbeatsend.monitor  
        # no alert required

Thanks in advance for any advice,

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