
a little bit further, i edited /sw/etc/mono/config, adding /sw/lib to all of the .dylibs. now if i try to mint gtk-sharp/sample/ButtonApp.exe:

Unhandled Exception: System.ExecutionEngineException: No GCHandle support built-in
#0: 0x00000 in System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle::GetTargetHandle ([O:0x87a140] [0] [0] )
#1: 0x00004 call in System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle::.ctor ([O:0x87a140] [0] )
#2: 0x00004 call in System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle::Alloc ([O:0x87a140] [0] )
#3: 0x00020 call in System.WeakReference::AllocateHandle ([O:0x87a140] )
#4: 0x0000f callvirt in System.WeakReference::.ctor ([O:0x87a140] [0] )
#5: 0x00003 call in System.WeakReference::.ctor ([O:0x87a140] )
#6: 0x0000c newobj in GLib.Object::set_Raw ([8963008/0x88c3c0] )
#7: 0x00002 call in Gtk.Object::set_Raw ([8963008/0x88c3c0] )
#8: 0x00002 call in Gtk.Window::set_Raw ([8963008/0x88c3c0] )
#9: 0x0000d callvirt in Gtk.Window::.ctor ([0] )
#10: 0x00002 call in Gtk.Window::.ctor ([O:0x83fcf0] )
#11: 0x0000a newobj in GtkSamples.ButtonApp::Main ([O:0x83ed70] )

i compiled mono with --gc=none, as using boehm generated errors.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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