I would add that "Free" software is not "free" as in "free beer". It is
"free" as in "freedom to do what you want with it", and with freedom
comes responsibility.

At first glance, since I have only seen this snippet of his original
post, if urgent Mac OSX support is that important to Mr. Mentzer, then
he could actually lend his support in the form of either evaluating the
source of the problems, fixing the problems himself and submitting
patches, or both.

My $0.02 (which is more than any of us pay to use this software).

On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 13:32 -0400, Lee Malatesta wrote:
> Steve Mentzer wrote:
>  > No offense to the mono team, but you should either drop support
>  > for PPC entirely or actually concentrate on getting it as stable
>  > as x86/linux.
> I think that this is exactly what the good folks on the mono team are 
> doing and I, for one, applaud their efforts. The mono project on the 
> PPC platform has come a long way and it should only continue to get 
> better. Perhaps the work isn't coming along as fast as I would like, 
> but this is mostly true of all software projects I've been interested 
> in whether open or proprietary. Good coding takes time.
> Regards,
> Lee
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