
Zack Weinberg wrote:
> I'm pretty happy with .stripped.  I was able to muck out an incredible
> amount of gunk from the configure script, and if we get rid of netxx
> even more can go.  The binary's smaller, the build is faster, and the
> Debian security team will be happy with us.  What remains to be done
> before we can land it?

Thank you very much for cleaning up the autoconf stuff, that indeed
looks pretty clean now. Thanks as well for tracking down and fixing the
loading speed issue.

[ The only thing I'm missing now is the version information during
configure. I.e. what version of botan, pcre, idna, ..  I'm going to
compile against. ]

As we now expect nvm.stripped to compile and run on most of the
supported systems, I think we should land nvm.stripped in about a week,
given further testing succeeds. Or is landing it on nvm potentially
hindering anybody from doing something important on nvm?

> Folks with exotic systems (non-Linux, non-*BSD) might wanna check what
> I did to the configure script, btw.  I might have been overoptimistic.
> :-/

I haven't tested much on my systems, but will do so within the next few


Markus Wanner

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