
Zack Weinberg wrote:
>> As we now expect nvm.stripped to compile and run on most of the
>> supported systems, I think we should land nvm.stripped in about a week,
>> given further testing succeeds.
> I have no objection to this plan, provided no horrible breakage turns
> up in the next few days.

I just wanted to test nvm.stripped on some OSes again, but unfortunately
I can't even get automake to run through. automake-1.9 (from my debian
sid development machine) just aborts without any I can identify as an
error message.

Running it with "-W -v" spits out (trailing lines only):

> automake-1.9: # and 'distcheck' gets cranky if we don't.  So basically what 
> this
> automake-1.9: # line does is tell 'distcheck' to shut up and ignore those two 
> files.
> automake-1.9: 
> automake-1.9:       value: find . -type f -a ! -name package_revision.txt -a 
> ! -name package_full_revision_dist.txt
> automake-1.9:       owner: Makefile
> automake-1.9:     }
> automake-1.9:   }
> automake-1.9: with `TRUE' => `find . -type f -print'
> automake-1.9: reading /usr/share/automake-1.9/am/footer.am
> automake-1.9: reading /usr/share/automake-1.9/am/install.am
> automake-1.9: reading /usr/share/automake-1.9/am/clean.am
> automake-1.9: not writing ./Makefile.in because of earlier errors

I've also tested automake 1.10 on the same machine and 1.9 on Gentoo and
FreeBSD without any success.

What's wrong?


Markus Wanner

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