On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 4:35 AM, Markus Wanner <mar...@bluegap.ch> wrote:
> Here's the output of a pkg-config request, as run by configure from that
> same machine:
> freebsd71-i386% /usr/local/bin/pkg-config --exists --print-errors botan >= 
> 1.6.3
> gnome-config: not found
> Package botan was not found in the pkg-config search path.
> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `botan.pc'
> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
> No package 'botan' found
> gnome-config: not found
> Package 1.6.3 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `1.6.3.pc'
> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
> No package '1.6.3' found

Do you get the same output if you write it like this?

$ /usr/local/bin/pkg-config --exists --print-errors 'botan >= 1.6.3'

There could easily be some additional quoting needed in library.m4.
Also, what does pkg-config --version print?

> What's obviously "wrong" on FreeBSD is, that there's no .pc file for
> botan. However, there's a botan-config executable:

IIRC Jack only added the .pc file in 1.7.something, so yeah.

> I'm a bit puzzled about why there's no "-I/usr/local/inculde" in the
> --cflags output. As the earlier check for boost shows, gcc doesn't add
> that automatically.

It looks like botan-config deliberately does not print an -I switch if
it would be -I/usr/include or -I/usr/local/include.  This is sane,
because you have to patch gcc to get it not to search those
directories by default.  Is this the stock FreeBSD 7.1 gcc?


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