On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Thomas Moschny <thomas.mosc...@gmx.de>wrote:

> > > "mtn ls branches | grep -v -E '^(\w+(-\w+)*)(\.\w+(-\w+)*)*$'"
> > > shows only one branch that doesn't match in my local copy of the
> > > monotone db (prjek.net:tester).
> >
> > And what would you do with that branch if this were to become a
> > restriction?
> I said I'd agree with the idea of *warning* the user (not *disallowing*
> usage of such branch names), I also said I think there's no technical
> need to restrict branch names - besides obvious things like \0, and
> given there's a way to quote characters if necessary (e.g. using URL
> quoting).

For the record, when I was working on the git_export stuff the prjek.net:tester
branch name was considered invalid by git and it was necessary to map this
name to something else for git to accept it.

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