Excerpts from Evan Carroll's message of Tue Nov 03 11:55:04 -0500 2009:
> has 'attribute' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_attribute' );
> around 'attribute' => sub {
>   my ($next, $this, $key) = @_;
>   if ( $key ) {
>     $self->has_attribute ? die 'exception' : $this->$next($key);
>   }
>   else {
>     $this->$next
>   }
> };

Looking at this again, it doesn't actually do what I think Ovid wants, namely:

* Ignore all titles from the document if one was passed to the constructor
* Die on > 1 title from the document otherwise

Your code will die on any title in the document if one was passed to the


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