Excerpts from Dmitry Karasik's message of Wed Jan 13 14:29:45 -0500 2010:
> You see, "bad" is subjective here, unless you want to persuade me that 
> is bad too. I cook my object accessors the way *I* like them, raw and 
> dangerous
> :), and even though I agree that this liking is subjective as well, I'm 
> totally
> uninterested in discussing my own programming style. As well as tabs vs 
> spaces,
> camelCase, or what not.

Your design is bad because it has an obvious bug, not because of some aesthetic

The fact that you put that in the same category as "tabs vs. spaces" makes me
think that you're just trolling at this point.

> My point is, if Moose can't do what I want, I'm fine, please give me a link
> where I can fill a feature request and be done with it. If it can, then
> please give me a short answer, "you write such and such", thank you, problem
> solved.

That isn't how this community works, and it is arrogant of you to demand that
everyone change to conform to your expectations.

The mailing list isn't a vending machine, and even if it were, you aren't
paying anything.


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