Excerpts from Dmitry Karasik's message of Wed Jan 13 15:11:37 -0500 2010:
> > The fact that you put that in the same category as "tabs vs. spaces" makes 
> > me
> > think that you're just trolling at this point.
> I guess this puts nicely the end of the argument. Thank you for tolerance
> and empathy.
> /unsubscribe

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If you want to do something questionable with Moose, we will help you if it's
clear that you know why it's questionable.

If you want to do something that we think is a bug, telling us that it's a
matter of personal style will not help your cause.

Code we give people will come back on us later -- "I got this code from the
mailing list and made changes, but it doesn't work, why not?"  That's a strong
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