Stevan Little <> writes:
> On May 29, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
>> Is the a standard methodology for persistent objects in Moose using SQL?
>> I'm writing a small web spider and I want my sites to be  persistent
>> objects.
> Personally I would recommend using KiokuDB. This is the most straightforward
> way to persist Moose object as it is specifically made  to do *exactly*
> that. KiokuDB seems magical and crazy (object graph  persistence engine, wtf?)
> but it is really pretty straightforward and  we have used it extensively at
> $work on all our major client  applications with great success.

Can you recommend which storage back-ends are most likely to "not suck" when
someone uses this in a technology trial?

I keep eyeing off KiokiDB and some of the other JSON-based storage engines,
for a couple of projects we have at work where they seem a much better fit.

Using a back-end that doesn't suck without having to learn which one that is
myself seems useful, since I don't want to unfairly punish the tool for my own
mistake. :)


Bonus points if it is a storage engine that we can work with outside the
Perl/Moose space too.

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