On May 29, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:

Stevan Little wrote:
The only drawback to KiokuDB is that since it stores the object graph rather then trying to map the object to a set of SQL tables, your data is not stored in a relational/tabular way and so not (easily) queryable using those tools. Of course this can also be seen as a benefit as well (I know I see it that way), since you are not constrained in your OO design by the limitations and infamous impedance mismatch that comes with ORMs. And of course KiokuDB does have it's own set of tools as well, just look in KiokuDB::Cmd (this has load, dump (for the whole DB or just one entry), edit, fcsk and a garbage collector) and there is KiokuDB::Navigator which provides a web based view of your KiokuDB.

Two points I can make on this ...

1. I don't have KiokuDB's documentation in my head at the moment, so forgive me if this is in there but, ...

Have you ever considered making KiokuDB able to directly store objects without serialization as relational database records rather than going through some other Perl ORM layer, and so hence you avoid the impedance mismatch from ORMs layered in between?

It does pretty much what you are proposing, the serialization has to happen because we need a storage format, but there is not ORM or impedance mismatch with Kioku (It does use DBIx::Class internally, but not as an ORM, only as a clean efficient way to interact with the storage engine).

2. Besides the ability to introspect or perform powerful searches on your objects using SQL/etc, I see another big advantage of using database storage without serialization as portability. You can have applications written in different programming languages sharing the same database and the same objects, because they don't contain Perl- specific data formats.

KiokuDB mostly uses JSON and JSPON as the storage format, which is not Perl specific. The serialization format we store in is dependent on the Moose class definition, so in that way it is not terribly portable.

A relational database can map to an object structure of any language fairly easily. Add attributes/columns for mutually heterogeneous data, like when you would add object attributes, and add tuples/rows for mutually homogeneous data, like when you would use arrays or sets.

And then you get the impedance mismatch. You are ignoring inheritance, which is not really possible in a relational model.

Remember, objects are graphs not sets of tuples.

- Stevan

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