On May 29, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Daniel Pittman wrote:

Stevan Little <stevan.lit...@iinteractive.com> writes:
On May 29, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Shawn H Corey wrote:

Is the a standard methodology for persistent objects in Moose using SQL?
I'm writing a small web spider and I want my sites to be  persistent

Personally I would recommend using KiokuDB. This is the most straightforward way to persist Moose object as it is specifically made to do *exactly* that. KiokuDB seems magical and crazy (object graph persistence engine, wtf?) but it is really pretty straightforward and we have used it extensively at
$work on all our major client  applications with great success.

Can you recommend which storage back-ends are most likely to "not suck" when
someone uses this in a technology trial?

I keep eyeing off KiokiDB and some of the other JSON-based storage engines, for a couple of projects we have at work where they seem a much better fit.

Using a back-end that doesn't suck without having to learn which one that is myself seems useful, since I don't want to unfairly punish the tool for my own
mistake. :)

Personally I like the DBI backend, and we have used it several times with great success. Here are several reasons why I like it:

1) I can use all the existing tools for the RDBMS

For instance, if I use MySQL then I get the mysql shell, mysqldump, etc. This might seem trivial, but other backends like BerkeleyDB doesn't have these things so the data feels much more opaque. Some of the other backends like CouchDB, Redis and MongoDB have similar tools, but IMO they are not as battle tested as MySQL.

2) I can easily put my DB on another machine

The standard breakdown of the web server on one machine and DB on another is trivial to accomplish using the DBI backend, the same is not true of the BerkeleyDB backend (IIRC there is a way to do it, but its a PITA). The CouchDB, Redis and MongoDB backends (I assume) do also offer this too, but you are more likely to have a MySQL DB setup then you are one of those three.

3) It can fit easily into existing systems

This is sort of the result of the combination of #1 and #2. Chances are you already have a RDBMS setup somewhere along with an existing backup strategy, etc. etc. All you need to do is add 2 more tables and you have KiokuDB set up. This means it is also very easy to have hybrid systems with both KiokuDB and a more traditional RDBMS sitting side by side. In fact, the first really large KiokuDB project we did at work is exactly that and has been successfully running in production for well over a year.

4) The data is pretty "transparent"

The layout of the DBI tables is pretty clear and getting at that data is pretty easy, if I ever were to want to move away from KiokuDB I would still be easily able to extract the data, even without KiokuDB itself.

Bonus points if it is a storage engine that we can work with outside the
Perl/Moose space too.

See also reason #4. It would be entirely possible to extract the information in the KiokuDB DBI storage backend with the available tools in just about any language out there. Basically you just need database access and a JSON parser.

- Stevan

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