On Jun 17, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Dexter Tad-y wrote:

As a wishlist (or more like me rambling here), I'd like to
see a place to
plug in SQL
result-sets directly, say:

package Person;
result_set 'underage' => (
    sql => "select * from person where

That way difficult queries (ie: outer joins?) or often-used
queries may be
implemented, and special composite (joint) objects may

What you are describing sounds like a Repository (http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html ), or maybe a plain PhraseBook-style object. DataMapper's philosophy encourages encapsulation of the session (connection). But you can still write classes with access to the session object so that you may encapsulate often used queries.

Actually I really like Rodrigos idea and I think perhaps you might be misunderstanding it because the example is quite simple. So it would be possible to do what he is asking by doing this (forgive me if the API is a little off, this is pseudo-DataMapper code :))

package Person;
sub underage {
    my ($self, $session) = @_;
    $session->objects( $self )->filter('age < ?', 18);

Then Person->underage($session) would return a resultset of all underage persons. But what Rodrigo is asking for seems like a special wrapper for this, perhaps something like this:

resultset 'underage' => (
    where => [ 'age < ?', 18 ]

So the underage method would still expect a $session arg, but would automatically generate the code to do that. Then to return to Rodrigos example, if you had a really insane complex mess of joins and other SQL insanity to return a set of Person objects, then you could use the example he provided and $session would simply do the right thing.

Anyway, thats just how I read it, I may be totally wrong :)

- Stevan

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