On 17 June 2010 08:51, Chris Prather wrote:

> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Dexter Tad-y  wrote:
> > Hi Stevan,
> >
> > Can you suggest an alternative namespace for this? I'll try to come up
> with another name for the project.
> >
> What's wrong with just DataMapper?
> -Chris
> >
This raises something that I've been thinking about lately. When can one use
a Top Level namespace? I've written a Moose-based app - not a module - which
I think others might be interested in, but haven't submitted it to CPAN
because it doesn't use the TopLevel::SubLevel convention. But neither does
Catalyst or Dancer or Mojolicious or ..... etc.... What are the
conventions/rules around this?


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