Hi guys
I'm working on a web application with support for drawing diagrams. I've 
looked into Raphael but I don't like the syntax and want to create a 
solution that is more in synch with MooTools.
So I'm thinking about writing an SVG plugin for MooTools and post it on 
Forge to perhaps get some added feedback but before I get too deep into 
development I'd like to run a couple of things by you guys.
First off I'm having to add Element support for SVG elements that as far as 
I can see is not supported at the moment because of the lack of namespace 
handling on Elements.
I'm currently solving this by adding a SvgElement class which is basically 
a copy of document.newElement and the Element constructor minus the support 
for IE8 and older that does not have SVG support anyways.
Secondly I need Drag support for these SvgElements which means the 
modifiers for the dragged element has to be x.baseVal.value and 
y.baseVal.value because of the nature of SVG elements.
Now I've again just made a copy of the Drag class and refurbished the code 
to support SVG. As a lazy developer I find this solution sufficient for the 
job but in every other aspect I feel like a butcher.
Is there a better approach I could take instead of the crude copy and paste 
and is there anyone else that have any interest in SVG support in the style 
of MooTools or is it a wasted endeavor? 
 Tor Viktorsson
ps. Any MooTools users in Stockholm out there?


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