Utan, I'll put it to you another way (something I've said here and
elsewhere before). Apache has created a model for developing open source
software that lasts and works. Ask the people working on those projects and
they'll tell you that the projects, especially the popular ones, are both
chaotic and have a lot of bureaucracy. But they last. Here's the order of
their priorities:

   1. Empower the community, both the developers and the users (see
   2. Make it predictable; roadmaps and clear upgrade paths are mandatory
   3. Make it easy to learn and use
   4. Make the code good

MooTools, for better AND for worse, had these exact priorities reversed.
The core team focused primarily on making really, really good code. It's
why the codebase is so amazingly consistent and beautiful. They spent some
effort making it easy to learn (so long as you actually knew how to program
JavaScript; not a requirement for jQuery), but spent way less time
communicating with the team and the community about what was coming next
and what the priorities were. Finally, very little time was spent talking
to the community. Blog posts are rare, but it was almost never the case
that core developers were hanging out here. That's ok to a certain degree,
but it meant that *recruiting *was not a priority. Adoption of the
technology was not the goal of the dev team; beautiful code was (and it

So Dojo got in with IBM and jQuery started having conferences and YUI is,
well, Yahoo, and so on. jQuery in particular is *exceptional* at both
outreach and recruiting - so much so that its main creator no longer
contributes to it (https://github.com/jquery/jquery/contributors). This was
always something the MooTools team struggled with as its main contributors
spent all their time coding.

With MooTools, if the main contributor doesn't contribute to it, it doesn't
move forward. This isn't his fault or anyone's fault. It's just an example
of how the goals are different. jQuery always cared about having lots of
people use jQuery. It shows in everything they do (and kudos to them; they
made JavaScript popular and made the web a better place).

So fast forward a few years and what do you have? You have a lot of people
working on jQuery and the core MooTools team has moved on. Had kids, gotten
jobs that are demanding, and this open source thing is just not their main
priority anymore. And so it languishes.

If the MooTools community really wanted the framework to move forward they
could do it. Just go fork the thing and start writing code. It's all there
on github and there's lots of stuff you can do to make it better and more
interesting. Don't wait around for someone who made something interesting 6
years ago to do it for you. They're off doing their own interesting things
and you should be happy for them. It's your turn to pay it forward.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:06 PM, utan <vcomputado...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Nutron,
>  So because jQuery's main devs passed the project to a new blood it still
> alive and thriving? and because its modular and its well thought and easy
> to learn..?
>  what am I missing? what happens is that some big companies back them up
> and they were good moving their assets why Mootools devs lacked on those
> fields..
>  They keep maintaining it because it gives them money that's all is not
> because is an old monolithic framework hell it's so damn good..
> Compared to jQuery all the good things die because their creators are so
> greedy to let others command and then what? people that loved and learned
> from it
> end up messed up because they  didn't learn  raw javacript but learned
> from a framework and they need to learn from a mediocre  framework like
> jQuery..
> the hell with this..
> --
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