> It seems that no one on the Joomla Forum can help me either. I have
> found on some Forum that some references to JHtml meed to be
> modified to "JHtml::_('behaviour.framework'); Unfortunately, the
> authors of this Post have not indicated which File needs tgo be
> upgraded nor do they say where it is located.

Joomla removed the PHP namespace (namespace = set of PHP classes) that
included the function "JHtmlBehavior::mootools". However, while that
function isn't used by the updated version of Joomla, your third-party
template is still looking for it. It's probably hard for you to get
help because the problem isn't really with Joomla itself, but an
undermaintained template.

Somewhere in the PHP files (on the server) related to your template,
you will see the call to the old function and you need to replace it
with the new one:

Hold on a sec and I'll see if I can find a Joomla template to tell you
what the old function will look like.

-- S.


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